Saturday, September 6, 2008


I just realised that I haven't uploaded any pics of Mcgill here's those who are curious to see what Mcgill is like...=)
It's rather spacious with a lot of greeneries for students to sit and eat their lunch while enjoying the sun...quite old and different from NUS...
but u know what, I actually start to miss NUS already...
The Main McGill sign at all, apart from engravings on one of the pillars..

Suppose to be James McGill....the person the school is named after....i suppose he donated a lot of money to the school...=)

Canada's Telephone's available everywhere....almost every street there's one..

It's a museum...right inside the uni day during breaks between lectures can go and have a look..

Looks like castle..


This is the Business building...3 of my classes are held here...the Bronfman Building....

Got water feature some more....somehow i feel this is for fengshui one...


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